Why trust with my couples is the most important thing as a wedding photographer.

wedding photographer in london

I have a had a lot of wedding meetings this week and a couple of bookings which has been just amazing. I am so grateful for where my little business has gone over the past 5-6yrs. And it's honestly down to the wonderful people I get to work with. 

These meetings though got me thinking about something that's crucial in the relationships I have with my clients. Trust. 

Not every couple I meet is going to want to book me and in all honesty that's not a bad thing in the slightest. We aren't made to get along with absolutely every person we come across in our lives and the same is said for being a wedding photographer. 

What I do is such a personal, intimate and emotional thing, if I don't have the spark with a couple then it's highly likely I won't have the trust either. 

You see I can't change who I am, my work can grow and develop but fundamentally it's my interpretation of the world and what is going on around me which is why clients have to trust me. They have to love my work and have faith in what I am going to produce for their memories of their wedding. 

And I have to feel comfortable enough to be myself. To be able to show up to a wedding and produce my best work I have to have creative freedom. I am not going to produce good work where I have someone trying to mould me into something I am not, or copy someone else. 

You see at a wedding I immerse myself in the occasion, I go there to feel all that happiness, love and joy of two people coming together for life. Because if I feel it I capture it. I invest not just my time, skill and experience into a wedding but I also put a huge emotional investment into them. I cry at weddings, I laugh at weddings, I embrace people and feel genuine happiness.

More often than not I am also a support, a reassurance, and friend. I can't be my best self for my couples without their trust. That's why it's so incredibly important. I start from the very beginning, the moment you contact me you have total transparency. No hard sale. It's important to me that you get this decision right.

These are your memories.

Precious never going to be lived again memories and the person you choose to be the collector and curator of those moments has to be the right. Yes, you need to ask the important questions: Insurance, back up, consistency, quality etc. But what you really need to be asking yourself after the formalities is 'can I trust this person to deliver something we love' 

If it's butterflies of excitement then the answer is yes, if it's that stomach twist of this isn't right then look for someone else. There is the right photographer out there for every couple and I know hand on heart I wouldn't ever take on a couple who doesn't believe in me and trust me. 

My work is more than just success and profit. Yep, I need to pay the bills and have some balance but this is a journey of fulfilment and purpose. I can only do that working for the wonderful people I get to work with. The ones who trust me and love wholeheartedly what I do. 

So here is to my couples past present and future. Thank you for having faith in me.
Ami xx


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