How to have AMAZING wedding photos!

How to have amazing wedding photos

So I still have loads of lovely weddings to show off but today I thought I would write a blog post that I know will be helpful to my couples but also helpful to other couples getting married. Unless you have had multiple marriages (which is totally cool by the way) you might not have ever worked with a wedding photographer and there is so much pressure these days especially because of social media for everything to be perfect on your wedding day including your photography.

So before I start I want to remind you of a couple of things just in case you might be feeling that pressure. You are getting married because you found a person that you love deeply enough to commit yourself too. And your wedding day is one of the very few times in your life where you will have everyone you love the most together for an incredible day. Striving for perfection is a miserable and fruitless task. That is not how you want to remember your wedding and I hope that this blog post alleviates some of that pressure especially around your wedding photos.

So lets get started!

How to have amazing documentary wedding photos

First of all! Find the right wedding photographer…

There is an abundance of choice out there when it comes to style and approach with wedding photography. It’s really important that you choose a wedding photographer who’s work you love, that you click with them and that their approach will be right for your wedding day.

I am primarily a documentary wedding photographer and that means that I have very minimal impact on the wedding day itself. Yep I do the group & couple photos but the people I work with generally want to keep that to a minimum because standing around for photos really isn’t their thing and they want to be enjoying the day with their people.

Couples who want a documentary wedding photographer generally prioritise having a set of images after the wedding that really tell a story and take them back to their wedding day. They also want to have lots of guest coverage and not just endless photos of themselves.

There are of course other styles and approaches such as editorial/fashion, alternative, traditional etc

The editing style also plays a big part in who you might choose. My edit is very true to colour with a bit of punch but ultimately I want a timeless look to my images so my couples don’t feel like they went for trend 10yrs down the line. There are lots of different editing styles from dark & moody to bright & airy. It’s important you find a style you connect with and know you will love for many many years.

The rest of this blog post is written from the perspective that you are wanting a documentary approach and these are some bits of advice from the last 13yrs of my career.

How to have fun wedding photos

Before the wedding day…

If you have hired an experienced professional wedding photographer then most of us will have good communication before the wedding day and will want to make sure that we have all the right information from you to make sure you make the most of having us there.

I send all of my couples a final details questionnaire to fill out about a month before the wedding. This asks for all of the information I need to do my job. It asks for addresses, contact numbers, full timings, the group photo list, guest numbers, other supplier details and any additional details my couples might want to share with me.

Nope, I don’t need a detailed shot list. Firstly I have been doing this for a very long time and I cover everything fully, from details to big moves on the dance floor I am shooting it all. That being said, sometimes weddings don’t go to plan or we have wet weather and that means we have to take a different approach. Shot lists also take me out of the moment which means the beautiful unexpected might be missed.

Once I have the filled out questionnaire I then email back a photography timeline with start and finish times, suggested times for group and couple photos and any other bits of information I think are important. If there are any red flags or my couples want to we will organise a call.

How to have the best wedding photos

Getting ready…

Getting ready is the beginning of your wedding story. It’s a great time to get used to having a photographer around and for me to get to know everyone. There are also a lot of special moments that occur during prep so I would always recommend having a photographer there.

I also want to take this moment to say that you can do prep however you want! If you want to get ready together thats ok, if you want to get ready separately also ok! If you want a busy fun morning with your favourite people then go for it. Equally if you want something more quiet and chilled that’s also ok. There are no set rules to how your day should play out but there are a couple of things that can help your photography be the best it can be.

Get ready in a space with plenty of natural light. Personally I love it when people get ready at home or a family home as it’s super personal but that isn’t always possible so natural light would be my top priority when choosing a getting ready space.

You also don’t want somewhere too small. Especially if you are an anxious person who might need everyone to give you some space. Also, if you are having hair & makeup then they will need room for their stuff. A bit more space just keeps things a little more relaxed.

Don’t worry about mess! Prep is a messy business, pretending it’s otherwise is madness to me. Plus it can add fun to your photos. I do tend to make sure we have a tidy space for when you get dressed if possible.

If you are getting ready separately then I would also always recommend having a second photographer, this just relaxes things while making sure that both sides are covered. Sometimes it’s possible to cover both if you are in the same property but it can put a pressure on timings.

You don’t need a photographer there from the crack of dawn! I tend to start 2hrs before leaving for the ceremony. This is plenty of time for all the good bits. I do recommend making sure that you save any gift opening or exchanges for when I am there.

Timings wise, always give yourself a little more time than you think you need. Things can easily get behind and you don’t want to be stressed about being late.

Lastly… and this is advice for the entire day! Forget you are having your photo taken and be in the moment. You only get to do this day once so focus on enjoying it and being present. Not on whether or not I am capturing your best side. You won’t care about your best side when you are 80 and you want to remember your wedding day with all those you love.

How to have the best wedding photos

It’s time to get married!

I love ceremonies! They are wonderful and the main event for the day. It can also go by super fast which is why having a wedding photographer is so important. I also want to say that you can get married however you want. Some people opt for civil partnership, having a celebrant or maybe even a friend conduct the ceremony, cities have some beautiful town halls and of course for others a religious ceremony is super important.

Before the wedding I always suggest that it’s worth finding out if there are any restrictions around wedding photography. Some places, especially the church might have some pretty strict rules and it’s important you and I know beforehand. This means that your expectations can be managed as sadly some places might not allow for much photography or request that I remain in one place.

I never look to be a distraction during a ceremony and I am always very respectful/discreet.

Remember to slow down! Some people rush which makes sense if you are nervous but consciously slowing down firstly means you relax and enjoy the moment more but also means that your photographer gets more time to capture things that can’t be repeated. Like the first kiss, if thats important to you then make it more than a peck, hugs are great too! And try to not run down the aisle ;)

How to have amazing wedding photos

Confetti time…

Is it even a wedding unless people throw stuff at you? Nope. Confetti is such a random but fun tradition and always a favourite photo moment. After years and 100s of confetti throws its still a joy every single time.

Make sure you get A LOT of confetti, double what you think you need especially if you have chosen flower petals. Personally I am a fan of biodegradable coloured paper discs for the ultimate impact. They are also more cost effective and stay in the air longer.

Before your grand exit, I will make sure that everyone is slightly organised and knows to throw up and not at but I can’t make any promises that those instructions will be followed in the beautiful chaos.

Again don’t run, take your time. Mostly so your photographer/videographer don’t have to run backwards too fast but also so you can enjoy it and get some incredible and fun images.

How to have amazing wedding photos

Group photos…

I won’t lie to you this is not the most fun part of the day. Photographers generally don’t like it and neither do couples or guests. It can be a nightmare if it’s not managed properly but it is important to have a few photos with your most important people.

I always recommend getting these done as soon after the ceremony as possible. Everyone is together and not distracted by booze, food or toilets and then it can be done quickly and easily. If you don’t want to do them straight after the ceremony then I would suggest adding them into your timings and making guests aware of what time they will be happening before the day so they know to be available then.

I always recommend around 8-10 group photos. This usually takes me around 20-30mins depending on how well guests listen to me and I will be assertive during this time. I don’t want to be taking you or your guests away from the fun for too long. I always get your group photo list from you before the day and I am always happy to help my couples with it.

Top tip… don’t let parents get involved with putting this together, it can get out of control fast. If you have chosen a documentary wedding photographer then that’s because you want to enjoy your day and not be stood around ages. Letting other family members request group photos can potentially mean you missing most of your drinks reception and not having much in the way of candid photos.

How to have amazing wedding photos

Give people stuff to do…

I am a big advocate for entertainment that is more than just a DJ or a band.

The more stuff you have going on the more there is to photograph. Garden games, board games, magicians, roaming bands the list is endless when it comes to entertaining your guests. As well as making for epic memories and wedding photos it also sets the tone for your wedding and keeps the energy high.

And lets face it… who doesn’t love a giant game of Jenga.

How to have amazing wedding photos

Love your people hard…

Give all the hugs and take moments with those you love. We don’t get to keep our people forever and I love that I can immortalise those hugs, kisses and connection for my couples.

This is the most important bit of advice I can give you.

How to have amazing wedding photos

Oh shit it’s raining…

This is probably the thing couples worry about the most. The thing is though we have absolutely zero control over it so there is very little point in worrying about it. The biggest bit of advice I give people when it comes to rain is to embrace it and enjoy your day regardless.

Every wet wedding I have had has been epic and the rain can add to the day rather than take away from it.

Sure we might have to make some adjustments around timings for group and couple photos if you don’t have an indoor space but there are some big positives to rain.

I have found wet weddings have incredible parties. Especially in the summer when the sun can keep people outside until late meaning the dance floor is empty. It can also make all the colours pop and trust me you would rather have rain than crazy heat.

The other thing to note is that it doesn’t usually rain all day. Most of time it’s on off and the light can be INCREDIBLE after the rain and some of the best sunsets I have seen have been after a rainy day. So don’t fret, lean into it and still have an incredible time.

How to have amazing wedding photos

Couple photos…

I hear you, you hate having your picture taken and you are worried about feeling awkward. At the same time I also know you want some gorgeous photos of you both together.

Couple photos for me are always about continuing that story telling, capturing my couples authentically and keeping things relaxed and fun rather than posing! Think plenty of walking, laughing and gentle direction. Allowing you both to be yourselves.

I always make it clear to my couples as well that if something doesn’t feel good to do they can tell me.

I don’t need more than 20mins during a wedding for these. And the best time is the golden hour, that time in the evening when the sun is low and the light at its best. If it’s not a sunny day or the timings don’t work then we can do them earlier. There are also loads of natural moments during the day that happen that could be classed as a couple photo.

Basically we don’t need to spend hours on this and you definitely don’t need to pose! Just love each other and enjoy spending some quieter moments to take it all in.

How to have amazing wedding photos

Don’t be precious…

For those of you who chose to wear a long white dress I have something to tell you… it’s going to get dirty. In fact if it isn’t dirty then you have not had an amazing wedding day. Having fun and keeping a white dress white do not work together. Obviously do your best to keep it relatively clean before the ceremony but don’t stress about it.

I also want to take a moment to acknowledge the poor double chin. It gets so much stick in our capitalist society of ridiculous beauty standards but do you know that everyone gets a double chin when they are laughing and laughing is the best thing in the world.

When you are old and gravity has taken over your body I can promise you that you won’t give a shit about how clean your dress was or what your hair looked like. You will deeply care about whether you laughed at your speeches, hugged your mum and ugly cried over your partners amazing vows.

Also, these photos are not just for you. They are for the people who love you and I am fairly certain they want to see you enjoying your wedding day not stressing about being perfect.

How to have amazing wedding photos

So you want great party photos…

Ahh the wedding dance floor. It can be the craziest most epic of places or dead with tumbleweeds blowing through it. Now the party isn’t important to everyone and that’s cool but if it is then here are some little things I have learned over the years.

Make sure your timings are right. Having a super early ceremony can mean lots of empty space in the rest of the day which can kill the vibe. Having a 2/3pm ceremony I usually find gives a nicer flow without everyone getting into a slump or too drunk.

Choose music that everyone knows. You can’t go wrong with the classics.

Try not to have a big gap of time between the end of the meal and the start of the party.

Have other forms of entertainment such as a magician or boardgames for those that aren’t party people.

A good DJ or band is crucial.

Lastly… make sure you dance! People will want to be around you, if you are on the dance floor then so will everyone else.

How to have amazing wedding photos

I hope this has been helpful!

Remember that you can’t go wrong when it comes to your wedding photography as long as you have found the right photographer, you trust them and then have an incredible day where you are present and enjoying yourself.

If you haven’t booked me as your wedding photographer and you would like to know more about working with me then just click the button below.

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