A Marylebone Town Hall Wedding with Joe & Lee.
Hello there, it has been a while. 2021 has been amazing and challenging in equal measure but I will save the full details of that for my best of 2021 blog post. I have had absolutely zero time to blog any of the amazing weddings I have photographed this year until now! So you can expect lots of wedding goodness headed your way over the coming weeks.
Right now though I am going to roll us back to warm and sunny June day in London.
Joe & Lee booked me pretty last minute for their micro wedding at Marylebone Town Hall and I was more than happy to oblige. We started off at Claridges for a little prep with their super cute French Bull Dog George! I absolutely love dogs and I also love weddings, so this combination makes me very happy. Of course he completely stole the show.
We then had a stroll through town to the town hall where we met two of their closest friends who would be witnesses. The ceremony was short but sweet as they with any wedding that has restrictions in place and then we popped out for some confetti and group photos. Lastly we finished up in Regents Park with some champagne and water for George.
I have massively enjoyed all of the micro weddings I have photographed over the last two years. People declaring their love for one another doesn’t have to be a big expensive day (although they are a lot of fun) it can be quiet and intimate with the people you love the most. That always produces the best moments.
And are you looking for a documentary wedding photographer to tell your wedding story?
I am almost fully booked for 2022 and the 2023 diary is open so do click the button below to find out more about how I work and get in touch.